Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Exercising is one of the most beneficial ways to remain positive!!!

My husband and I had a wonderful experience working out together!!! We made each other laugh, he motivated me to continue pressing on, and I laughed when he thought it would be easier than it really was... hahahha Such a great time!  So much positive energy!!!!

Can you feel it?!!??!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Can it be ....

anymore beautiful outside!!! Oh this is such a beautiful day.  This entire weekend has been so stress free and serene.  Yesterday my husband and I went to the park and enjoyed the sunshine. Watching people fish.  A little dodging duck poop, but that's all part of nature!! LOL  Bonding. Exercising.  Enjoying each others company.  Don't you wish you can bottle small moments like that for when are feeling down in the dumps??  I couldn't ask for a more perfect day.

My advice to all on this long weekend... get some sunshine in your life... good ole vitamin D... it's amazing how positive your mood can become, when you are having fun in the sun!
